

Monday, July 15, 2013

Interview Questions for S.A. Rolls author of A Brand New Ending

1. What’s a typical day like in the life of S.A. Rolls?
Lots of baking. And lots of coffee, Red Bull and sleep. When I am not writing I am working as a baker/pastry chef. I am up very early in the morning and early to bed (usually)

2. Who or what inspired you to become a writer?
I was never into creative writing when I was younger. I also wasn't much into reading. I think a lot of women can agree with me when I say the Twilight series changed my life. When I entered that fandom I stumbled into the world of fanfiction and the incredible writers that appeared there, and one day I decided to take a chance.

3. Do you remember the first thing you ever wrote?
Probably a poem I wrote in second grade about how much I loved my mom. My mother still has it, and it's full of grammatical errors.

4. Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way, either growing up or as an adult?
Well I definitely have to thank Stephenie Meyer's for creating the insane life draining series. Something in my definitely lit inside me after that. As I read more novels, both Tahereh Mafi and JM Darhower are both authors who I've come to adore.

5. Where do you get your ideas from? Do they come to you or are they inspired by true events?
All of my story lines have been inspired by something around me, a song, a picture, an online video, or personal experience. Without giving away the storyline, one scene from A Brand New Ending is inspired by a real life heartbreaking event.

6. Do you work with an outline or just write?
Usually when I start a new story...I have a single thought or idea. I usually spend the next few days thinking of bullet points of sorts. Main twists and turns or general direction I want the story to take, but the minor/in between parts are definitely "write as I go" type writing.

7. Do you ever experience writer’s block? If so, how do you get out of the funk?
What author hasn't experienced writer block? It's one of the few annoyances of being an author. It took me a long time to understand, but walking away is the best. Forced work doesn't equal good work. Sometimes it’s a day, sometimes it a week. But one of the best things is when you get really excited to write and your fingers can't type fast enough.

8. Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what do you listen to?
It really depends on the day. Sometimes I can concentrate best with my headphones in and music on. Other times, the littlest sounds annoy me and throw me out of my state.

9. Can you tell us about your challenges in getting your first book published?
To be honest, I never planned on writing a novel. And I never considered writing anything that anyone would be interested in reading. But I've had some amazing readers, and I am SO grateful for each and every one of them. But it's definitely not for anyone with thin skin. This day and age, anyone can be an author. I never tried to get published through a company and self publishing is hard. You are your own marketing team. You are your own formatting and cover design team. It is a lot of time and effort. You HAVE to be determined.

A Brand New Ending
11. What inspired A Brand New Ending?
I can actually pinpoint the day that the general idea for ABNE came to me. I had a friend who was an actual psychiatric hospital aid worker. Her stories were always sad, yet incredible. I guess I could say that's what sparked it.

12. How did you come up with the title?
From the quote that is actually at the beginning of the novel. I felt like it was exactly what the whole novel was trying to portray. So I guess I could say I borrowed it.

13. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? Hardest?
One part that always stood out to me was subway scene. It was fun to write Phoenix coming out of her shell. For someone with anxiety, a crowded and small space is like a living hell. To have someone there that not only cares about you, but is willing to protect you is an amazing feeling.

14. Which character speaks/spoke the loudest to you?
Rain. She was so much fun to write. For someone who has lived through so much and still is never knocked down, her outlook on life is admirable.

15. Which of your characters would you like to meet in person and why? What would you say to that person?
I have to choose just one?! ;) I think I would have to say Braeden. While Phoenix has suffered a lot in her life, she was lucky to have such a loving father during her youth. But Braeden has dealt with pain and loss from a very young age. I would probably tell him that he is an amazing man and to keep on loving Phoenix. She needs him and he needs her.

16. Is there a message in A Brand New Ending that you want readers to walk away with? If so, what is it?
While I have never personally dealt with suicide, I want people to take away that there is always help. When you feel like you have nothing left, there is always someone out there that loves you and cares for you. Give life a chance.

17. Give us the 140 character TWEET description of your book!  ;)
A girl who's given up. A boy who desperately wants to show her that her life is worth living. But does she want to be saved? (this was really really hard!) ha

18. What projects are you working on now?

I have started a new novel. It is in the early stages of development but will be told by a young girl named Alina who was born with a large birthmark on her face.

For as long as she can remember, people have seen the mark, not her. Kids in school can be cruel, a world full of bullies for those that are not considered "normal." Her life is the same everyday...until she meets Hunter. A boy who never lets anything or anyone get him down.

Unfortunately, that's all there is so far. :)


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